# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.13 2013/03/11 11:07:38 espie Exp $ COMMENT = portable release of Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife DISTNAME = chocolate-doom-2.1.0 CATEGORIES = games x11 HOMEPAGE = http://www.chocolate-doom.org/ MAINTAINER = Ryan Freeman # GPLv2 PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes WANTLIB = SDL c m pthread SDL_mixer>=3 SDL_net>=1 samplerate>=1 LIB_DEPENDS = devel/sdl-mixer \ devel/sdl-net \ audio/libsamplerate MASTER_SITES = http://www.chocolate-doom.org/downloads/2.1.0/ RUN_DEPENDS = devel/desktop-file-utils USE_GMAKE = Yes CONFIGURE_STYLE = gnu # we don't need to require python to build CONFIGURE_ENV += HAVE_PYTHON=false # set correct program directory MAKE_FLAGS = execgamesdir="${TRUEPREFIX}/bin" MAN_5 = chocolate-doom.cfg default.cfg MAN_6 = chocolate-doom chocolate-server chocolate-setup post-extract: # set correct data directory @perl -pi -e "s,/usr/share/games/doom,${TRUEPREFIX}/share/doom," \ ${WRKSRC}/src/d_iwad.c post-install: # Data files get installed to this directory. ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doom/ .for m in ${MAN_5} ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKBUILD}/man/$m.5 ${PREFIX}/man/man5/ .endfor .for m in ${MAN_6} ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKBUILD}/man/$m.6 ${PREFIX}/man/man6/ .endfor .include