To play the game you will need an original Doom, Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, Heretic, Hexen, or Strife IWAD. Place the doom.wad, doom2.wad, plutonia.wad, tnt.wad, heretic.wad, hexen.wad, strife1.wad + voices.wad or all of the above in ${PREFIX}/share/doom/ to play. The shareware will also work. If multiple IWADs are installed, you may specify the one you want to play via the -iwad command-line parameter e.g. $ chocolate-doom -iwad doom.wad $ chocolate-heretic -iwad heretic1.wad (heretic shareware) The Doom Shareware IWAD is available in the doomdata package. Run `chocolate-gamename-setup' to generate a configuration file to your liking.