$OpenBSD$ +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Odamex can run in several game modes. Doom shareware is available in the doomdata port. One or more registered IWADs may be placed in /usr/local/share/doom/. Additionally, a free IWAD project is at http://www.nongnu.org/freedoom/ Doom, Ultimate Doom, Doom II: Hell on Earth, and Final Doom are supported, as well as the Freedoom game files. If multiple IWADs are installed, you may specify the one you want to play via the -iwad command-line parameter e.g. $ odamex -iwad doom.wad # Client OR $ odasrv -iwad doom.wad # Dedicated Server A launcher, odalaunch, has been installed to assist in finding games online with other players. Install timidity for MIDI music playback in-game. Server configuration examples: ${PREFIX}/share/examples/odamex/ General documentation: ${PREFIX}/share/doc/odamex/README