# $OpenBSD$ COMMENT = irc client written with the ncurses ui framework DISTNAME = swirc-1.1 #GH_ACCOUNT = uhlin #GH_PROJECT = swirc #GH_TAGNAME = v1.1 CATEGORIES = net #HOMEPAGE = https://github.com/uhlin/swirc HOMEPAGE = https://dataswamp.org/~markus/swirc/ #MAINTAINER = Markus Uhlin # BSD 3 clause, ISC PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes #WANTLIB = c crypto ncursesw pthread ssl MASTER_SITES = https://dataswamp.org/~markus/swirc/releases/ EXTRACT_SUFX = .tgz #MAKE_FLAGS = E=@\# Q= CC="${CC}" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" NO_TEST = Yes MAKE_FILE = unix.mk WRKSRC = ${WRKDIST}/src ALL_TARGET = swirc INSTALL_TARGET = install #TEST_TARGET = test pre-configure: cd ${WRKDIST} && ./configure .include